

This is a free out of box css template that you can use to build a business website for you or you client. The template has drop down menu, slider and a working spam free contact form.

How to setup

Please follow these instruction in order to setup template successfully.

Update default values in config.php
Setting up this theme is very easy. Just download the theme and make changes to config.php. Config.php is the file that contains all the global values that are used across different pages in template. The values like contact details, address, phone, email and social media links are stored in this file.
So first thing after you download the template is to edit all those default values in this file. Open up the file and update all the values. It should be pretty easy for you to update those values as we have provided enough comments in the file

Make sure you also update the recaptcha private and public keys.

Using spam free recaptcha enabled form
We use recaptcha to guard your contact form against spams. You should sign with recaptcha and obtain private and public keys from them. Once you get private and public keys update them in config.php

Updating menu links or adding more items to top and footer menu
There are two menus in the template. One is at the top and one is in footer. The html for both these menus are stored in separate files in order to make it easy for you to update menu links. The html content for top menu is stored in menu.php while content for footer menu is stored in footerMenu.php.
You can easily update the menu links and titles in these files.

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